Our Services


We have experience at all levels of organizational leadership. We love to engage those taking their first managerial steps and those who sit at the executive table; we’ve been there. We also have experience across the nonprofit sector from organizations to churches to denominational leadership in the U.S. and internationally.

Team Development

We know that “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” The challenge is correctly diagnosing the current state and then leveraging tools and approaches to strengthen the team and achieve goals. We have a number of tools and assessments to fit your needs


At times, we all just need fresh perspective. We’ve been there and can help you see the next step or the next vision. We have experts in organizational design, strategy development and executions, operations, financial management, technology, international management, and more.

Group Training

When you have required training or want to keep your team current, we can help. We have experienced trainers and group facilitators who can deliver the content you need. We can tailor approaches to fit your context. Examples: Sexual Harassment, Diversity & Inclusion, HR Policies, Child Protection and more

Specialty Areas

Team Performance

Most teams sit at or below 60% effectiveness. That’s a lot of impact and profit left on the table. We’re not OK with that and guide teams to significantly greater effectiveness. We are GiANT Worldwide 5 Voices Certified.


It’s not about if you will hit a transition, it’s about when you will hit it and how you will navigate it. We specialize in helping individuals and organizations navigate the transition zone. The research is clear that with intentionality it is possible to move from strength to strength.

Execution & Metrics

What gets measured gets done. Most organizations struggle with execution, they have a million ideas, a lot of work “in process” and very little coming out the other end. We can help you build kanbans, KPIs, KRIs, and get more work done!

Formal Reconciliation

Sometimes we hit impasses. A professional relationship gets stuck. There are wounds, personality differences, and work productivity challenges. We can help create successful processes to navigate those differences.

“I was in a period of transition and struggling personally and professionally. I didn’t realize that what I was going through was normal and there was a better way. But Mark took me under his wing and walked the journey with me. Now, I’m clear on who I am and what I’m supposed to be doing.”

— Mike, Ripple Effects Client

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.