5 Voices For Teams


Throughout this 12-month process, 5 Voices for Teams helps team members become more self-aware, creating opportunities for behavior change, which improves communication, trust and alignment with the team leader and the team. The result? Teams perform at higher levels while building stronger cultures.

Core Outcomes

  • Empowers Leaders. With greater self-awareness and improved feedback, leaders can increase their influence with their teams.

  • Increases Team Performance. Most teams sit between 60-70% performance effectiveness. Intentionally focusing on team dynamics increases performance.

  • Improves Team Dynamics. Most leadership development programs focus solely on the individual 5V4Ts increases BOTH personal influence AND team health and culture.

  • Builds Trust. Psychological safety and relationships are the foundation for trust. Leveraging 5 Voices we learn to value the unique contribution of each voice.

  • Strengthens Culture. When we are not intentional about building health team cultures we are rolling the dice and hoping. That is not a effective strategy.

  • Is Fun! Learning should be fun and most of our workshops generate laughs as we recognize and celebrate our humanity and the unique ways we show up.

What It Looks Like

12 Month Program

In-Person or Virtual
6 Team Workshops
Personal & Team Assessments
Personal and Team Exercises
Personal & Team Coaching

Workshop 1

Discovering Your Leadership Voice
(3-Hour Session)

Everyone Speaks, What If Everyone Was Truly Heard?
Learn Your Foundational Leadership Voice
Understand How Each Voice is Critical to a Healthy Team

Workshop 2

The Power of Your Voice
(3-Hour Session)

Personal Influence: Know Yourself to Lead Yourself
Learn The Negative Power of Each Voice
Understand Team Dynamics Based On Voice Presence & Makeup

Workshop 3

Relational Dynamics
(3-Hour Session)

Learn How Each Voice Builds Trust
Learn The Influence Model (Character, Chemistry, Competence, Credibility)
Understand How Bringing Support & Challenge Increases Effectiveness

Workshop 4

The Art of Collaboration
(3-Hour Session)

Learn the Communication Code
Understand When to Critique, Collaborate, Clarify, Care For, and Celebrate
Learn the Rules of Team Engagement

Workshop 5

Optimizing Team Performance
(3-Hour Session)

Learn How To Be Present & Productive (The 5 Gears)
Understand How Each Voice Embraces Vision (Build a Bridge)
Learn How To Effectively Communicate Vision On a Team

Workshop 6

Team Performance Kryptonite
(3-Hour Session)

Learn What Things Weaken & Damage Teams the Most
Learn How Each Voice Reacts & Responds to Kryptonite
Learn Discretion & Discipline In Communication

✺ Frequently Asked Questions ✺

  • The 5 Voices for Teams Program combines 6 workshops with an online learning platform, assessments, and team discussions.

    In month 1, the entire team engages in a workshop. In month 2 there are personal and team exercises. In month 3 there is a team workshop. We repeat the pattern for the 12 months.

  • No. 5 Voices For Teams can be effective between 6 months to 12 months. The key question is the capacity of the team to engage is learning and team development.

  • Our core passion is developing healthy and effective teams. Because of this we intentionally seek to keep our costs as low as possible.

    Each team and situation is different and we'd be happy to provide a no-obligation proposal. We also provide a nonprofit discount.

  • GiANT Worldwide is a leader in personal and team development. Thousands of leaders from companies of all sizes — from startups to Fortune 500s — use GiANT's tools and software to lead themselves, develop leaders, and solve their biggest challenges.

  • The 5 Voices for Teams Certification is a rigorous process to ensure the highest standards of facilitation are achieved.

    Ripple Effects founders Mark Yeadon and Matt Lindell are both certified on the 5 Voices and one or both will be part of the facilitation. Both have extensive sr. leadership experience.

  • Contact matt@ripplefxcoaching.com