Is Good Good Enough?

Doing Well At Doing Good

If someone were to ask, how was your day, and you say good, what do you mean by good? Has it come to mean ok, or satisfactory?


When we look from a biblical lens, what do we find? In Genesis, when God created the world, He called it Good. 

When He created male and female, He called it very Good. And then He rested. 

(Gen 1:1-31)When Jesus was asked by the rich young man to explain how to inherit eternal life, he referred to Jesus as “Good Teacher”. Jesus’ response was, “why do you call me Good? Only God is Good”. Mk 10:18

In the famous passage from Paul in Ephesians 2:8-10, we are saved by grace through faith, created in Christ Jesus to do Good works, which God prepared for us in advance to do. So, we were created to do good. 

First, what is the good you have been called to? Second,  how well are you doing at doing that good

When we find the good that we are called to do, something wells up in our being, in our soul, and we are not able to, nor should we, shake it. To the best of our ability we want to pour our life, our energy, into that Good.

Do you know your good? If not, how do you find that good? Our passion is to help you “Lead from your Core” and the first step in that journey is understanding your unique identity, purpose (your good), story. Because when we know the good we ought to do, everything changes.

So if doing our good is so amazing, how then did we begin to assign the term good as less than ideal, optimal, or not enough? Perhaps it ties back to our own personal striving for always just a bit more. Maybe it’s our hyper emphasis on our rights, our comfort,  our convenience, our way, etc.. that has fueled a fundamental inability to be content, satisfied. Good has become, in some odd way, not good enough.

At Ripple Effects, we’re all about helping you find your good, do well at doing good, and then resting in that good, knowing that you’ve done enough.


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